You can actually block the online visitors from certain countries for Apache Web server by using the IP2Location Block Visitors by Country Free Services to block malicious traffic to your website to save your bandwidth.
Not only that, but you could also utilize this service to limit web site access to visitors from countries where you actually sell your products.
Just two simple steps to generate the free .htaccess file. First, select the country that you want to block from the list of countries; you can select up to 30 countries at one time if you register a free account on IP2Location.

Then choose your output in .htaccess, iptables or CIDR format:

Press the Generate button, copy and paste the configuration into your external file.

IP2Location Block Visitors by Country provides the latest country list for free. Our data is retrieved from the most comprehensive and up-to-date IP2Location database. IP2Location databases are updated every month to ensure high accuracy. You can efficiently block unwanted access from countries that you regularly get non-converting, fraudulent or spamming web traffic.

If you want to block visitors in the IIS Web Server, you can check out the IP2Location ISAPI Filter. The IP2Location ISAPI Filter is an Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) plug-in that can be used with any web servers running IIS, which enables you to discover in real-time, where your web visitors are coming from by their IP address. It uses server variables to enable you to dynamically tailor the content of your site based on your visitors’ country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, ISP, domain name and so on.